Erica de souza - Life and Leadership coach

What does life and leadership look like when you stand in your authenticity?

A world where the courage of creativity fuels momentum. It starts with you.

I help you to ignite your self-leadership journey. What’s that?

A creative and authentic coaching approach to your life and leadership challenges.

Erica de souza - Life and Leadership coach

What does life and leadership look like when you stand in your authenticity?

A world where the courage of creativity fuels momentum. It starts with you.

I help you to ignite your self-leadership journey. What’s that?

A creative and authentic coaching approach to your life and leadership challenges.

Want my FREE workbook for an Unconventional 2023?

Did you know that your life and leadership can generate more energy and peace of mind?

You feel you’ve got plenty to be grateful for. A lifestyle, a career, diverse achievements.

It’s all good from the surface of it. But if you’re truly honest with yourself, there are days when

You want to do things differently. And it seems easy enough to start but you’re stuck.

Those days, you wonder “What if I fail here?

Erica de Souza, CPCC, PCC (ICF)

Certified Life & Leadership Coach, Author

PCC Certified coach

Hello there, I'm Erica

I know exactly what you’re dealing with, and trust me when I say you’re not alone.

I am a fierce champion for those who agree that being a more powerful leader in work and life starts with the awareness, drive and improvement of their own selves i.e. They embrace the idea of self-leadership.

Once we design our terms of collaboration, I help you to articulate what you want from your journey and to discover aspects of yourself that are required for those steps ahead.

This blueprint empowers you to operate from a space of your own authenticity. What an intensely fulfilling and challenging experience! As your coach, I serve as your thought partner, while you steer your ship forward.

What you need to know about me

I’m an International Coaching Federation (ICF) certified Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) from the Co-Active Training Institute.

Whether you are currently in leadership, business or the leader of your own life, I know you. I see you. I hear you. Here’s an invitation to stop second guessing and start your self-leadership journey with me today!

Coaching Services that work for you…and with you

All my coaching services are customized to the intentional journey that you want to take. Read more for an overview of the experience you can expect when we work together.

What Clients Say

“I was able to explore certain aspects of my life and self-leadership reality with her in a space that suited me the most.”

She (Erica) shows so much curiosity during the coaching sessions and I feel safe, knowing that there is no judgement at all.

Picture of Marie Nadal Sharma

Marie Nadal Sharma

Kind Warrior & Coach | Digital Marketer & Website Designer

“I found the Coached by Erica experience nothing short of life-changing.”

I do not use the word lightly, because the impact of the tools and methods Erica shared with me forever changed the way I perceive people, situations and life in general.

Picture of Chetan Fernandes

Chetan Fernandes

Marketing Communications Professional

A clear roadmap to getting started

I keep it simple and straightforward.

Schedule a complimentary chemistry call

We first get to know each other during this 30-minute coaching conversation to see if we are a good fit for each other.

Activate your Self – Discovery

The sessions start with discussing your values as you share your vision. We aim to align your intentions and goals to be clear about your WHY and help you stay on course.

We will find a schedule that suits you best, at your own pace, taking into consideration the milestones that are important to you.

Your self-leadership is now within reach

This is where you start creating the impact you want to see in your world and more fundamentally – in yourself.

Free Chemistry Consultation

Ready to kickstart your self-leadership?

Title: ‘Reboot Your Life, Your Way.’

A playbook to break up with I’m not good enough and to live your Joy.

Perfect partner, perfect daughter, perfect mom, perfect leader, perfect shoulder to cry on, perfect planner… The only thing that’s not perfect? A perfectly overwhelmed you.

If you are living your life like a formula one race car driver, pedal to the metal in your drive for perfection, it’s not really you driving. That’s your inner overachiever. What might actually benefit you more is to pause, regroup, and strategically win your race – instead of burning out.

 – Erica de Souza, CPCC, PCC

It’s time to REBOOT and fuel up on the right energy.

This book is your roadmap to navigate out of that nagging feeling of not being enough.

And why is that important?

We build our lives around the stories we tell ourselves. We lead our teams from these places. We raise our families from these stories. We learn to love others or feel deprived of love through these stories.

This book takes you on a journey to find your answers. Most importantly, who do you want to become to have what you really want?

In my 5 years of working with numerous clients, I realized that I wasn’t alone in my self-leadership journey. By confronting my own experience with my imposter syndrome, burnout and self-sabotage I tried to join the dots.

I describe the baby steps I took to renegotiate my relationship with failure and self-worth in order to level up for more joy, fun and peace in my life.