Title: ‘Reboot Your Life, Your Way.’

A playbook to break up with I’m not good enough and to live your Joy.

Everywhere we turn, we receive messages validating our perfectionism and overachievement. Somewhere, the drone of that voice got so loud and consistent that we assumed life was to be lived from those belief systems. 

Till it stopped working for us.

The time to re-write your life story starts here.

A book, written from my own life experiences as a reformed perfectionist and from coaching several action and result-driven people, that is:

This book is dedicated to every adult, once a little girl or little boy, who was up against life and ended up believing they weren’t good enough. This book takes a stand for you. You have my support – always – Erica de Souza, Author

Picture of Roohi Gupta

Roohi Gupta

Vice President, Wealth and Personal Banking

“This was so powerful! I never thought of it like this.”

The book made me think about what real success would look like for me. And if there’s something more I need to do in the space to be successful. It really resonates.

Picture of Desiree Silveira

Desiree Silveira

Digital Marketing Professional

“This book spoke to me, like it knew all my secrets.”

I could see my whole life and for the first time, I got clarity about why I do things in a certain way. I love how well Erica has articulated her life story and the delicate way she connects it to a life coaching insight and a self exercise. Such a treasure, I can go back to it many times. I highly recommend her book.

Picture of Ajay Row

Ajay Row

Founder & Chairman, Loyalty Caravan

“Not just self esteem. Full of honesty, bluntness and hugely helpful strategies and tactics, it is a treasure chest.”

I have recommended it to friends in the hope they’ll find their way to their authentic selves sooner than otherwise. I can see how this book would be incredibly valuable to a large number of folks. And that may well include yourself.

‘I should have this by now, right?’

Let’s face it. You’ve done everything by the book – you paid attention in class, got the good grades, you are a highly valued in your professional circle, you can’t complain about your social life, and yet…

This book sets you on an unstoppable journey to finding that self within you.

It’s there. I promise you. From real-life case studies I’m sure you can relate to, the idea is to help you visualize possibilities for your own life path. And the worksheets help you self reflect so you get more clarity and direction along the way.

It’s an answer I gave myself to answer the question “What do I want, and whom do I want to become to get it?”

Erica de Souza, CPCC, PCC (ICF)

Certified Life & Leadership Coach, Author

Meet the Author

Erica de Souza, CPCC, PCC (ICF), is a certified Life & Leadership Coach and the founder of Coached by Erica. She helps you to ignite your self-leadership journey. What’s that? A creative and authentic coaching approach to your life and leadership challenges.

A reformed perfectionist, she has walked the path she describes within this book herself and with her clients, to reclaim a version of themselves that’s confident, aligned and empowered to build the life they want to lead.

Prior to Coaching, she worked in the hospitality industry and has a degree in Hospitality Management (USA) and a B.A. in Psychology & Sociology (St. Xaviers, Bombay). Erica carries a wealth of experience in customer service, meeting planning, project direction, and is also a certified image and life skills trainer.

She currently resides in Mumbai, India. When she isn’t working, you will find her walking her two adorable adopted dogs by the seaside.

In an attempt to regain balance in her own life, she chose to do the hard work of connecting the dots between her own self-sabotage patterns and playing bigger.

The honest to God intention was to try and save you, the reader, some time and heartache by doing the groundwork and making the process resonant and fulfilling for you.

The book creates a road map to reboot your life. So, go ahead – break your own rules, take back your life and lean into your truth.

How to make the most of the book?

The book is designed to be used at your own pace.

It includes valuable tools like worksheets to aid and accelerate your progress.

The concepts explained in the book become more meaningful if they are put to practice. Action leads to results.

The contents of the book are not limited by time or circumstance. So feel free to return to it, reflect and re-read the parts that are most resonant with you at any given point in time.

Lastly, it is likely that some parts will speak to you in the present moment; it is equally possible that other parts of the book will speak strongly to you weeks, months, or even years from now. If you are truly committed to breaking up with I’m not good enough they will in time.

Sneak peek inside the book

Table of Contents

  • In Appreciation Of The Book 7
  • Note From The Author 10
  • Introduction 15
  • How We Learn To Bulls**T Ourselves 21
  • How I Discovered I Had A Real Voice (To Replace My Impostor’s Voice) 47
  • 3 Steps To Reboot 55
  • You Gotta Slow It Down To Speed It Up 91 So You Took The Plunge To Reboot. What’s Next? 137
  • How To Accelerate And Take Sustainable Action 149
  • Procrastinating Or Protecting? 161
  • How To Connect Better With Others 187
  • Don’t Make Your Goal Your Noose 211
  • The Sustainable Reboot 233
  • The Why 242
  • Acknowledgements 245
Picture of Sabrina Fernandes

Sabrina Fernandes

Founder & CEO - Autumn Hues

“Have started and loving it.”

When I read Erica’s book, it was a mirror I was looking at. Every page will make you look inward, it will feel like it is written keeping you in mind, the patterns and events for me felt like it was a reflection of my own life, one time or the other! And that is the power of “Unleashed”, you will see you and you will see how to better you.

I fell in love with Erica’s authenticity! It is truly courageous of her to put her entire life out in this book fearlessly. The book draws you to the author, you feel empathy, you feel inspired and you most importantly feel relatable. It’s not just a book, it’s a workbook, a playbook actually like she calls it, for grown ups 🙂 and a super enticing one at that!

It’s a personal coaching session, only through a book 🙂 and one that you can keep revisiting. I promise you, you will reminisce each page and go through this book slowly and mindfully, it will force you to think, to take action, to be empathetic to yourself, to win and be the best version of you. Thank you Erica, for pouring out your heart and experiences in this book and making it so simple for so many of us who will benefit from it, it’s priceless!

The book is ideal for you if:

If that’s you on most counts, this book has been written with you in mind, and at the heart of it.