"The most important leadership tool you have is your own personal example."
- John Wooden


Let’s talk about humans first - hint hint, that’s you...

What if you could re-author your life story to create space for the experiences you want?

You’ve worked so hard in life. Now it’s time to make life work for you.

In this rewrite, there would be no place for people-pleasing, self-criticism, and limiting experiences that are currently hurting your morale, mental well-being, and your relationships.
For that to happen, something’s got to change. And you don’t have to go it alone.

Through my one–to–one coaching, you and I will work together over time, with a proven process, to transform your life and uncover your true motivations – the ones that impact your joy and fulfillment.

Now let’s talk about Leadership - as a mindset

Is the energy that fuels you, enabling the impact and performance you want in the long term?

There is no ‘one’ right way to lead your team, your performance or your life. The right time for leaders to work with me is when it has become necessary for them to take action from a space of authenticity and creativity.

From that place, they:

Erica de Souza, CPCC, PCC (ICF)

Certified Life & Leadership Coach

How it Works

Deciding to be in a one-to-one coaching partnership means that you already value yourself, and want what’s best for those in your world.

If you are between the ages of 30-55, I’m a likely fit for you if you resonate with at least 3 or more of the following statements:

Most of all, you agree that being a more influential leader in work and life starts with the awareness, drive, and improvement of your own leadership i.e. You embrace the idea of self-leadership.

What’s Included:

Recommended pace – Fortnightly (every 15 days) i.e. 2 * 60-minute sessions per month.

*Minimum work with me is 3 months and maximum for a coaching engagement is 12 months.

Sessions are charged on a monthly basis.

The sessions are about:

Picture of Chetan Fernandes

Chetan Fernandes

Marketing Communications Professional

“I found the Coached by Erica experience nothing short of life-changing.”

The impact of the tools and methods Erica shared with me forever changed the way I perceive people, situations, and life in general. For anyone committed to discovering their best self and bringing their A-game to a journey called life, the Coached by Erica experience is a vital catalyst that can supercharge your own efforts and accelerate your progress in that direction.

Picture of Morana Kosanović

Morana Kosanović

Team Manager. Leadership Coach, Customer Service Expert

“The way you holistically approach your clients is the new way of leadership coaching. You helped me to step into discomfort and to feel safe enough not to run away.”

Staying here gave me access to the best and worst parts of me and I learned to be ok with both.

Are you ready to take charge and transform your life?


The coaching journey is one of self-discovery and tapping into your skills, gifts, and creative resourcefulness to help you move forward towards your life goals. Therapy, on the other hand, looks into the past and works through previous experiences that could be affecting a person’s mental health. Read more about it.

You should feel it. To support and give direction to our work, we co-create certain milestones in your journey at the start of the program that keeps you resonant, committed, and moving forward.

The reason I use the word ‘re-discover’ you, is because coaching isn’t about changing you. It’s about reconnecting with the brilliance within you that has perhaps taken a back seat over time in some areas of your life. Habits change with awareness and connection to our sense of purpose. The question I ask my clients is “Looking down the road, what will you regret if you allowed your status quo to continue?”

I work with clients in India, Canada, UAE, USA and the UK, and each of them has achieved massive transformations through my coaching process. In my own life experience, having lived and worked in fast-paced cities in India and the US helps me identify perfectly with multi-cultural, global mindsets.

It really does exist. I should clarify that it is not always easy. But, indulge me for a second. Think back to the moments in your life where you were truly fulfilled. I’m sure those moments were arrived at with a whole context of emotions, choices, taking a stand for what was important. That’s what you can expect from this journey – conscious living.

You need to be committed and willing to put in the work and time. I am 100% committed to guiding you on your transformation journey. As a coach, I cannot and won’t make decisions for your life; I can definitely hold your vision and dreams even when you can’t see them.

I offer the “Coaching Alumni Maintenance Plans” as ongoing support for clients who see the bigger picture, want an accountability partner, and access to guidance and support to keep them achieving all their life goals. Know more about it.

Myth: Coaches solve your problems

Truth: Coaches connect you with your inherent brilliance so you can create the impact you want in your world.

Picture of Danette Gomes

Danette Gomes

Illustrator and Interior Designer

“With Erica, I sensed fierce courage and caring.”

The Coached By Erica experience has unearthed the solopreneur in me that was simply waiting to take flight!

Picture of Geraldine Radzim

Geraldine Radzim

Founder of Limonetta and Life Coach (Founder of the Fulfillment Project)

“Her powerful questions, deep intuition and joyful vitality make Erica my coach of choice.”

The laser focus of our sessions have taken me to deep awareness where I’ve given myself permission for self empowerment.

You're here for a reason,
and not by coincidence

You are in good hands.